Women's Life Group

Christian life is done in community.  Whether man, woman, or child we all need to connect, feel like we belong, and have other's on whom we can lean and trust!

The lives of women have unique challenges that are best shared in and among other women of faith.  As believing women gather together and study just how God has designed the world with specific roles for them, suited to their special gifts, not only are individual lives changed, but also homes, the church and communities.

Our Women's Life Group is specifically designed to do just that, prepare women for the ministry in the home that God has designed for them.  Doing so through the principal of elder women training up the younger women (Titus 2).

the When and where

Every Thursday @ 6:30 PM
402 W Grand Ave Artesia, NM 88210

What we Are Studying

As women we live in a time of feminism and denial of biblical femininity.  How are we to understand what it means to be a biblical woman>

What is a Christian woman's role? In this powerful book by Rebekah Merkle we see that, no matter what they are doing, women are made for glory.

Join us as we explore God's design for womanhood!